Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cheater Pants

Sometimes I feel like a cheater when I art. The project in my drawing class this week focused on stencil drawings with chalk. Something about using a stencil to create my project felt like a trick, like I wasn't trying as hard. Art teaches me new things every day. Mainly I have been grasping the fact that art isn't any one thing. It is everywhere in everything and there are countless ways to create. I have the same problem of feeling like I am cheating somehow when I do projects with computer programs like in my Photoshop class this semester. After our first digital painting my teacher proclaimed his distaste for all who call digital art "fake". The painter has to have skill, creativity, and knowledge to make a painting whether on the computer with a mouse or on a canvas with a brush. Another of my great teachers says that all art is a self portrait because no two people create the same and no two projects are alike. So for your enjoyment today is my stencil and chalk portrait of Aaron, also digitally remastered for his less colorful and more "manly" tastes, as well as my recent digital painting. Thanks to Aaron, Michelle, and Phillip for being my models.

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